In NSW, certain appliances and equipment (known as declared articles) must be approved by NSW Fair Trading or by an approved equivalent, have the appropriate approval mark and follow the relevant safety standard before they can be sold.
The remaining appliances and equipment (known as non-declared articles) must follow the minimum safety requirements contained in Australian Standard AS/NZS 3820:2009 as amended. Declared appliances and equipment certified by schemes administered by other States and Territories and external authorised approval schemes are recognised by NSW. This register records information for approvals for declared and non declared electrical articles including:
- the name of the approval holder
- description of the model to which the approval relates
- the date of the approval
- the duration of the approval
- the model reference code for the model concerned
- any modifications to the model approval granted by the Secretary.
Important: Information in this register relates only to articles approved by NSW Fair Trading.
View a list of other regulators and recognised external approval schemes and links to their registers below.
NSW Fair Trading's privacy policy contains important information. It is very important that you read it. You will be taken to have accepted that policy (even if you do not follow that link) if you access any page in Fair Trading’s website.
The information contained in this register is restricted to that information which NSW Fair Trading is currently required to maintain under Electricity (Consumer Safety) Regulation 2015. Consequently, NSW Fair Trading disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs which you might incur as a result of using information in the register, or for it being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason.
Contact NSW Fair Trading at or on 13 32 20 Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5:00pm for more information.
Regulators and recognised external approval scheme - approved electrical articles
This is a list of regulators and recognised external approval schemes (independent certifiers authorised by NSW) with links to their public web sites.
Regulators of a State or Territory of Australia (listed below) are empowered by their respective legislation to approve both declared and non declared articles for sale. The independent certifiers listed below are authorised by NSW to approve declared articles only. NSW has not authorised independent certifiers to approve non declared articles.
New South Wales
Conformity Certification Services Pty Ltd T/as EESS Conformity Certification
Global Mark Pty Ltd
Market Access (AUS) Pty Ltd trading as Certification Body Australia
NSW Fair Trading
Oz Cert Pty Ltd
SAA Approvals
SAI Global Pty Ltd
SGS Australia Pty Ltd
UL International
TUV Rheinland Australia Pty Ltd
Electrical Safety Queensland
South Australia
Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure
EnergySafe Victoria