Certifiers cannot issue certificates or access the swimming pool register if their accreditation is expired

The Board has been made aware of some E1 certifiers accessing the Swimming Pool Register and issuing certificates after their accreditation has expired.

Just as a person with an expired driver’s licence shouldn’t drive a car, a certifier whose accreditation has expired must not issue a certificate.

Certifiers are responsible for renewing their accreditation on time

The Board sends certifiers reminders 60 days and 30 days before their renewal is due, and a notice of expiry if no renewal is received in time.

Whilst these are courtesy reminders, certifiers should be aware they are entirely responsible to renew their accreditation before it expires and that a renewal should be supported with the correct insurance and CPD documentation.

Comprehensive and correct documentation will help the Board to quickly renew applications and give practising certifiers peace of mind.

The Board does not control access to the Swimming Pool Register

The Swimming Pool Register is operated by the Office of Local Government. It is separate from the Board’s certifier register, so updates to one register aren’t immediately reflected in the other.

This means certifiers whose accreditation has expired may still, for a short time, be able to access the Swimming Pool Register. However, such action is illegal as the Swimming Pools (SP) Act 1992 only authorises currently accredited certifiers to access the Register.