Management committee meetings

The procedure for calling and holding a management committee meeting must be outlined in the association's constitution.

If the constitution does not make provision for these matters, the relevant provisions of the Model constitution will automatically apply. Visit the Model constitution page for more information.

How often should meetings be held?

The management committee should meet as often as is necessary to properly manage the affairs of the association. The constitution can stipulate a minimum requirement.

If the constitution provides for it, the committee may choose to hold a meeting at 2 or more venues using technology that allows members an opportunity to participate.

How is notice of a meeting to be given?

The constitution will outline how notice is given for a meeting. The notice of a meeting should include an agenda which specifies the matters to be dealt with at the meeting.

What is a quorum?

A quorum is the minimum number of committee members required to be present in order for the meeting to go ahead. The constitution must specify the quorum and the procedure to be followed if a quorum is not present.

Who is the chairperson?

The constitution will specify the person who is to act as chairperson.

Who can attend meetings?

Unless the association's constitution says otherwise, only committee members are entitled to attend committee meetings. However, the committee may permit members and other persons to attend.

Is it necessary to keep minutes?

Yes, minutes must be kept of meetings. The minutes should include:

  • the day, date, time and place of the meeting
  • the time the meeting started
  • the names of those present and any apologies
  • that the chair announced a quorum was present and that the meeting was duly constituted (if this announcement was made)
  • a reference to minutes of the previous committee meeting and the signing of them as a correct record
  • details of every resolution put to members and whether it was passed with the appropriate majority
  • details of persons voting against a motion or abstaining from voting if those persons request that this be recorded
  • details of any appointments made, persons elected to office and any leave of absence granted to a member
  • an overview of discussions on decisions made
  • the date and time for the next meeting, if this is determined during the meeting
  • the time the meeting ended.

Minutes of meetings must be kept in written or electronic form. If records and minutes are kept in electronic form, they must be able to be converted into hard copy. If a person is entitled to inspect the records, a hard copy of the record must be made available within a reasonable time.

If any part of the minutes is in a language other than English, a copy of the minutes in the English language must be kept with the minutes. The Associations Incorporation Act 2009 prescribes penalties for failure to comply with this requirement.

Record of disclosure of interests

If a committee member discloses an interest at a committee meeting, this must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Are members allowed to inspect the minutes?

The association's constitution must include provisions that address the inspection of books and documents by members.

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