Make a complaint

For tips and tools to help resolve your dispute with a business, please see our Talk it over page or call us on 13 32 20.

For information about building and renovating, please visit Building Commission NSW or lodge a building complaint form.

Matters handled by NSW Fair Trading


Please check our website for information about:

For complaints about social housing matters, lodge an application with the Social Housing Division of NCAT.

Read about how your renting complaint is handled

Go to tenancy complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.


Fair Trading handles matters about non-payment of fees or a deduction exceeding the capped fee to a performer for services under an Entertainment Industry Agreement or an Entertainment Industry Managerial Agreement from performers within the meaning of the Entertainment Industry Act 2013.

Please check our website for information about the Entertainment Industry in NSW.

If you haven’t contacted the business/employer, please read our tips on resolving issues before lodging a complaint.

To lodge a complaint about the Entertainment Industry please provide the following details (where applicable):

  • A copy of the agreement
  • Copies of any receipts/remittance advice provided by your agent in relation to your complaint.
  • Copies of any other relevant documents.
Go to the entertainment industry complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Buying products and services

Please check our website for information about your consumer rights including:

If you haven’t contacted the retailer/service provider, please read our tips on resolving issues before lodging a complaint.

You can also read about how your products and services complaint is handled.

Go to products and services complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Cars and other vehicles

Please check our website for information about:

If your complaint relates to vehicle safety faults caused by the design of a vehicle or a breach of a mandatory standard such as the Australian Design Rules, please contact the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities.

To check if your vehicle is affected by the Takata Airbag Recall, please visit

For more information on the compulsory Takata airbag recall, please visit

Please use the motor vehicle complaint form to submit a complaint if you have contacted the retailer/service provider or manufacturer and haven’t been able to reach a resolution.

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

Real estate, property management and strata

Please check our website for information about:

Go to real estate and strata complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

For information about strata community living disputes and to apply for mediation please go to Strata and Community disputes.

Retirement villages

Please check our website for information about retirement villages.

Go to retirement village complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Holiday parks

Please check our website for information about holiday parks.

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

Go to holiday parks complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Product safety

Please check our website for information about:

For information about product recalls, please visit the product safety website.

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

Go to product safety complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Residential (land lease) community

Please check our website for information about living in a residential (land lease) community

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

If your complaint relates to increases of site fees, mediation is a compulsory requirement. Please fill in the Residential (Land Lease) Community Mediation Application Form (PDF, 243.84 KB).

Go to residential (land lease) complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Games of chance

Please check our website for information about games of chance.

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

Go to games of chance complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Charitable fundraising

Please check our website for information about charitable fundraising.

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

Go to charitable fundraising complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Trading on public holidays

Fair Trading handles matters about breaches of the restricted trading days under Retail Trading Act 2008 from members of the public who believe there has been a breach of the Act.

Please check our website for information about retail trading in NSW.

If you haven’t contacted the business/employer, please read our tips on resolving issues before lodging a complaint.

To lodge a complaint about retail trading please provide the following (where applicable):

  • Details on whether you were directed to work on a restricted day
  • evidence of a business opening on a restricted trading day (receipt etc)
  • copies of any other relevant documents.
Go to the retail industry complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Short-term rental accommodation

The mandatory Code of Conduct for the Short-term Rental Accommodation Industry (the Code) aims to help better manage and address anti-social behaviour, amenity impacts (including in shared facilities such as pools and gyms) and other issues experienced by neighbours and communities.

The Code imposes obligations on all industry participants including hosts, guests, letting agents and booking platforms.

The Code applies only to short-term rental accommodation in residential premises in NSW. The Code does not apply to accommodation venues such as hotels, motels, backpackers accommodation, holiday parks or boarding houses.

You can make a complaint with Fair Trading if you believe that the Code has been breached. Before making your complaint, view the Code of Conduct and read the information on our website.

Where possible, include the contact details of the person your complaint is about along with any relevant information that will assist Fair Trading to consider whether a breach of the code has occurred.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, Fair Trading may request further information, for example photos, security camera footage, police statements or other documentation.

Where the matter relates to a contravention of other laws, in the first instance it may need to be dealt with by another organisation, such as NSW Police, local council or, in the case of a strata or community scheme, the owners corporation.

Matters that may be referred include ongoing noise, vandalism, assault, theft, parking issues and breaches of by-laws in a strata or community scheme.

If Fair Trading is unable to intervene on a matter, we will notify you.

Where there has been a proven contravention of other laws (for example enforcement action by a local council, a finding in court or tribunal) evidence can be provided to Fair Trading to take further action under the provisions of the code.

More information about the introduction of the Code of Conduct.

Other complaints

Fair Trading can also help resolve other disputes related to short term rental accommodation.

Before lodging your complaint, please visit our Accommodation page for information on your rights and tips for resolving issues.

Make a complaint

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.


Please check our website for information about:

Read about how your paintball complaint is handled.

Go to Paintball complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Commercial agents

Complaints can be made about commercial agents and their employers.

Please check our website for more information about:

You can also read about how your complaint is handled.

Go to Commercial agent complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Matters now dealt with by Building Commission NSW

Building and renovating

There is a new regulator for the building and construction industry. All building and construction services transitioned to Building Commission NSW from 1 December 2023.

Visit the Building Commission NSW website.

Go to home building complaint form.

Matters best dealt with by other organisations and areas

Accountants and tax agents

Please check our website for information about accountants & tax agents.

For complaints with accountants & tax agents which cannot be resolved by professional industry bodies provided in the link above:

Go to general complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.


The Airline Customer Advocate (ACA) provides a free and independent service to eligible customers of major Australian airlines by facilitating the resolution of unresolved complaints about airline services.

Participating airlines of the ACA are: Jetstar, Qantas, Tiger Airways, REX and Virgin Australia

There is an eligibility criteria for the lodgement of complaints:

  1. Customers cannot lodge if they have already made a claim in a court or tribunal or lodged a complaint with a government authority in relation to the same matter;
  2. The complaint must be about a participating airline;
  3. The complaint must be about the airline's services;
  4. The customer must attempt resolution with the airline first by following the airline's Customer Charter, sought a review of the response and allowed for the timeframes specified in the Charter;
  5. The complaint must relate to an event or circumstance that occurred within the last 12 months.

Complaints must be in writing and can be lodged online or printed forms obtained from The Airline Customer Advocate (ACA).

For complaints about all other airline related matters, please use the General Complaint Form to submit a complaint.

Go to general complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Australian Tax Office

For complaints about The Australian Taxation Office, please contact the Inspector-General of Taxation.

Banks, financial service providers and insurance

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority is an external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme to deal with complaints from consumers and small businesses about financial services and products.

Contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority on 1800 931 678 or visit their website for more information.

Business name registrations

For information about business names registration, please contact Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Car or other vehicle repairs through insurance

For enquiries about complaints with repairs carried out to a vehicle as a result of an insurance claim, please follow the below steps:

  1. Contact your insurer
  2. If your insurer fails to adequately address your concerns, request that the matter be reviewed by your insurers Internal Dispute Resolution scheme
  3. If you are not satisfied by the result of the Internal Dispute Resolution scheme, you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

Centrelink and Child Support Agency 

For complaints about Centrelink and the Child Support Agency, please contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Commercial leases

For complaints about commercial leases, please contact the Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner.

Electricity, gas and water

For complaints about electricity, gas or water suppliers in NSW, please contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman.

Please check our website for information about gas bottles or appliances.

If you are unable to locate the information you require on our website, please contact 13 32 20 between 8:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday or:

Use the general enquiry form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Employment and unfair dismissal

For private sector employment matters, contact the Fair Work Ombudsman.

For NSW public sector and local government employment matters, contact the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

Lawyers and solicitors

For complaints about lawyers and solicitors please contact the Office of The Legal Services Commissioner.

Local councils

For complaints about the conduct of councillors and council employees and the administrative conduct of the council itself, please contact the NSW Ombudsman.

For information about your consumer rights in relation to products and services that have been purchased from a Local Council where the matter falls under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), please visit our website:

Go to general complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

NSW State Government Departments

For complaints against NSW State Government Departments, please contact the NSW Ombudsman.

For information about your consumer rights in relation to products and services that have been purchased from a NSW Government agency where the matter falls under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), please visit our website:

Go to general complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Telephone or internet service provider

For complaints about telephone and internet service providers, please contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO).

For complaints with your phone handset or computer and you have contacted the retailer/service provider and haven’t been able to reach a resolution, please use the General Complaint Form to submit a complaint.

Go to general complaint form

I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

  • Use information provided or later obtained to resolve a matter, investigate, take enforcement action (if appropriate), and monitor the marketplace for investigative and law enforcement purposes, or
  • Provide this information - including your personal contact details - to the trader or another Government agency (if appropriate).

NSW Fair Trading is always looking for ways to improve our customer experience. You may receive a survey after your matter is finalised, inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

Other ways to submit your complaint

You can make your complaint by mail or you can call 13 32 20 (8.30am to 5pm, Mon - Fri) to discuss how to make a complaint.

Print one of these forms for your complaint or enquiry:

Mailing addresses for forms

Filled forms (complete with any attachments) can be posted to NSW Fair Trading postal address:

NSW Fair Trading
PO Box 972 
Parramatta NSW 2124

Feedback or complaints about Fair Trading services

If you have feedback or would like to make a complaint about our services, please contact us so that appropriate action can be taken and we can learn from your experience.

For information about the ways to provide us your feedback or complaint, visit the feedback and complaints page.

Next Make an enquiry